Edsby Overview
Getting ready for a new school year
Edsby Classes Overview
The Class is the heart of how Edsby helps teachers and students. Learn how to maximize the potential of your Edsby Class in this video.
Printing a Roster
Learn about Edsby’s customizable roster printing with this short video.
Taking Attendance
Created for teachers, this video covers how to submit attendance, cancel absences, and record lates. Also included is information about planned absences and attendance history.
Gradebook Overview
The Gradebook records grades, calculates averages, and sets Subjective Performance Indicators. Learn about the Gradebook’s assessment and reporting capabilities in this video.
Planner Operating Manual
This video explains how teachers can use the Planner to organize their Units, Assessments, and Journals in a Calendar view.
Adding Additional Teachers to your Class
Perhaps a class has two primary teachers or a teacher has an assistant/support teacher helping manage their class. This video shows how to easily add another teacher to an Edsby Class.
Using Evidence of Learning in the Classroom
Edsby’s Evidence of Learning system enables teachers with rich purpose-built tools to capture, organize, and analyze student learning. Watch this video to learn how to maximize the Evidence of Learning system in the classroom.
What do students see on their home screens?
One of Edsby’s many great features is that both students and teachers see very similar content. However, there are some key differences between what teachers and students see because Edsby customizes the home screen view for each role. This video covers what students see and how their view compares to the teacher’s view.
What do students see when they enter my class?
When students enter a class, they see a similar screen to that of the teachers: similar panels, similar layouts, similar content. The only difference between content is that students never see hidden assessments, journals, events or lessons. Only teachers can see items that are hidden.
This video compares the screen of teachers to that of students, to let teachers know what students see when a teacher posts in the feed, adds an assessment, creates a poll, shares a grade, or creates an event, and what the library, journal, course plan and overdue assessments look like to students.
Engaging your Edsby Parents
Teachers might be interested in increasing parent engagement in their student’s learning. This video shows the various tools Edsby provides teachers with to help parents take an active role in their child’s education.