Edsby makes it easy for teachers to capture evidence from the convenience of their smartphone or tablet. Evidence can be captured in the moment and accessed later for editing or viewing.
All classes automatically have evidence enabled. To access evidence from a mobile device, login to the Edsby app. Once logged into the Edsby app, the Classes list will appear on the home screen. Each class has a New Evidence button.
Select the student or students that the evidence applies to and tap Select Students.
Edsby allows teachers to personalize the evidence they wish to capture. Teachers can take a new photo from within the app or add an existing attachment. Teachers can document the student’s voice, set the collection date, write an observation, add a tag, add expectations or standards, and score the student’s performance. Teachers can also share the Learning Evidence immediately, or they can share it later from the All Evidence and Organize pages. When the evidence form is completed, tap Create.
Once created, the teacher can view the Evidence in the All Evidence page in a class. Navigate to a class and tap the Evidence button. Here teachers can choose to view the Evidence in the All Evidence or Organize pages. Tap on All Evidence. Here, any Evidence the teacher has created for any student is listed. Teachers can create additional evidence by clicking the New Evidence icon at the top right of the screen.
Teachers can filter through the Evidence by tapping the filters button. Teachers can edit, share, or delete Evidence by tapping on the drop-down arrow. Teachers can like or reply to a piece of Evidence using the buttons below the Evidence. When a teacher replies to a piece of Evidence that has been shared, they have the option to share the comment as well by tapping Share to Learning Story. Leaving the box unchecked will keep the comment private to the teacher and any co-teachers.
Teachers can also view Learning Evidence from the Organize page by tapping Organize. Like the All Evidence page, teachers can filter and share the Evidence here. Teachers can also create new Evidence from the Organize page.
Additionally, teachers can write an analysis note here by selecting one or more pieces of Evidence and tapping the analysis button and filling in the form.
Teachers can view what students and parents can see by tapping Learning Story. This page will list all of the Evidence items that have been shared for a specific student. Select a student to see evidence items for that student that are visible to the student and the student’s parents or guardians. Navigate to different students by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the student’s name and selecting a new student from the menu.
Evidence can be organized and analyzed in the browser. For more information on using evidence from a web browser, click here.
Teachers and students can easily capture Evidence through the Edsby Capture App. Click here for more information.