The Progress Report tools enable teachers to create a printed report of their student’s progress to distribute to parents and students. The Progress Report can be used as a helpful tool during parent-teacher interviews, as an indicator of student progress for the students, or even as a report card substitute for private schools.
Progress Report (new)
To create a Progress Report (new), navigate to the Gradebook, click the gear icon, and then click Progress Report (new). Complete the form. A new column will appear in the Gradebook. Click Open to print the report. Click the date to edit the form.
Teachers have many options within the Progress Report. First, start by creating a title for the Progress Report. In this example, the teacher is using the Progress Report to communicate with parents about how their child is doing in week 5 of the school year.
Teachers can print a report for all students, select specific students to include in the Progress Report, or they can choose to include dropped students. For example, if a few students in the class need extra support in their learning, the teacher can create a Progress Report for just those students and distribute it to their parents so they can support their child’s learning at home.
Then, teachers can select the dates for the Progress Report. Choosing ‘Any date’ will include data from the entire Gradebook, choosing ‘In a reporting period’ enables teachers to select a reporting period and will only include data from that reporting period, and choosing ‘Date Range’ enables teachers to select specific dates and will only include data from within that date range.
Teachers can choose what to show in the Progress Report. Teachers can choose which, if any, assessments to include in the Progress Report. The list of assessments can be any selection of incomplete, shared, ungraded, and unshared.
If shared assessments are included in the printed report, a graph can be included by checking the Graph checkbox.
When teachers include summaries, more options will appear on the form. The list will include Overall Average, General Learning Outcomes, and Specific Learning Outcomes. However, the choice of Summary columns is dependent on the curriculum.
The Assessments, Evidence, and Include Unshared checkboxes control what data the summary columns will use to pre- calculate the grades. If these fields are left blank, the summary columns will be blank and the teacher can use professional judgment to enter grades.
For example, if the teacher has chosen to summarize by Strand, using the mean, and showing as a percentage, any grades from the Gradebook that include Strands will be averaged using the mean and will show in the Progress Report as a percentage. If no assessments have been created using Strands, no grades will appear in the Progress Report. Grades can also be filled in manually and overridden in the Progress Report. For a Progress Report that has multiple fields or strands included, the report will only show what fields have been filled in. If teachers do not wish to fill in each field, they don’t have to.
The grades can be summarized using the mean, median, mode, latest, highest, a count, or using a decaying average. Decaying average considers the student’s most recent scores as more representative of the student’s current mastery level and puts more emphasis on those scores compared to older ones. The default weight is 65% for decaying average but teachers can change the weight of the most recent score in the Class Setup form.
Teachers can choose how the grade appears in the progress report by using the ‘Show As’ selection. The Class Comment enables teachers to write a general comment for the class and will be used for every student, it can be written or changed using the box.
View Progress Reports
Teachers also have the option to view overall Progress Reports for their students. These Progress Reports do not include as many options as the Progress Report (new). To view these progress reports, navigate to the Gradebook, click the gear icon, and click View Progress Reports.
These reports include data from the entire Gradebook. They do not include any Evidence data and the overall average is displayed based on the Gradebook setup and cannot be changed within the Progress Report.
However, teachers do still have options when viewing these Progress Reports. Teachers can choose whether or not to include the following in their Progress Report:
- Graph
- Incomplete Assessments
- Shared Assessments
- Ungraded Assessments
- Attendance History
- Only Show Flagged Assessments
- Unshared Assessments
The Progress Report provides a printable report that includes 3 main sections:
- The Graph that plots all graded and shared assessments
- Assessments and any statuses attached to them
- Attendance History
Only the students who meet the criteria will be included in the report. For example, if teachers only have Incomplete Assessments selected, only the students who have incomplete assessments will be included in the report.
Flagging assessments for inclusion in Progress Reports
Teachers may want to create Progress Reports regarding only specific assessments. To do this, they can make use of the flagging system and filter in the Progress Report. Navigate to the Assessments tab of the Perspective in a class. Clicking the flag next to an assessment will flag it. Teachers can flag all assessments they wish to include in the Progress Report and then print a Progress Report for that student. In the preview, click the box next to only show Flagged Assessments. This filters the report to the assessments that were previously flagged.
Printing Progress Reports
Whether teachers are using the Progress Report or the Progress Report (new), they can print copies of the Progress Report for their students and parents. Navigate to the Progress Report in the Gradebook and click the printer icon, then click print.