The Groups Zoom provides school administrators with a list of all groups created at the school and various types of information regarding them. Administrators can access the Groups Zoom from the right side of their home screen in the panel below the name of the school.
The Groups Zoom provides the following information regarding each group defined at the school:
- The icon of the group
- The name of the group
- The type of the group (regular, sports, club, professional learning)
- The style of membership (open or closed)
- Who the group is visible to
- Whether or not the group has automated membership
- The number of members in the group
- A list of the moderators of the group
- The number of posts in the group
- The time of the most recent post in the group
The Groups Zoom facets are used to select a subset of groups.
This subset can then be used to create a message addressed to all the selected group moderators or group members.
The Groups Zoom shows all groups created by anyone at the school. Simply click on the group name to view the group.
This provides a good mechanism for administrative staff to have visibility into the kinds of conversations that are happening in the groups at the school. Consequently, it would be unwise for a few teachers to create an invitation-only group called “Surprise Party for the Principal” since the principal would likely see that group in the Groups Zoom!