Within each class is a Setup menu only available to teachers. To access it, click the three line “hamburger” menu at the right of the Classes’ navigation panel and select Setup.
Within the Class Settings, teachers will find settings for student and parents that govern their level of access to the class. These settings only affect students enrolled in this class and the parents linked to those students. All other student and parent accounts will not have access to this class regardless of these settings.
Other teachers will not have access to a teacher’s classes by default. If a teacher wishes to allow another teacher access to one of their classes, list their name in the Teachers and Assistants section of the Class Settings.
This will put the class on the other teacher’s Edsby class list and give them the same control over this class as your own – including the ability to add, edit and delete gradebook content. Accounts with office head, vice principal, principal, and IT administrator roles will always be able to access teachers’ classes.