Why Unison?

Edsby's Unison system eliminates data silos. And ensures better education data quality and actionability across a region… safely and securely.

More accurate picture of student learning for all
Accelerate innovation in teaching and learning
Protection of existing student data
Readiness for expanded data in the future
Freedom from limitations of open standards
Improved data privacy everywhere

K-12 Data Is Complicated

  • Hard to find insights across systems and make data useful
  • Difficult to ensure equity among all learners, find gaps
  • Interoperability failures create costly errors
  • Privacy risks
  • Wasted time from inefficiencies
  • Software goes unused when benefits can't be measured
  • Vendors with own interests thwart open standards
TeachersClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange PrincipalsClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange LMSesClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange AssessmentsClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange IEPsClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Recommendation EngineClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Data WarehouseClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Analytics & AIClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Digital ContentClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Health CareClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Social ServicesClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Pastoral AgenciesClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange Fed Dept. of EdClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange XMLClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange JSONClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange SQLClick to show/hide or drag to rearrange100%Chart created using amCharts library

A wide range of users and organizations seek to share education data in a complex set of relationships with high cost and many points of possible failure. Can data be converged or synced? Can a solution scale? Can overall governance be assured?



Multi-source bi-directional data transformation and sync


Open standards & dozens of proprietary connections

More data

High resolution student data, not lowest common denominator

Regional policies

Enables state, provincial or federal education data governance


Flexible authentication models let users use existing familiar apps

Engages all

Enables teams of educators to support individual student successs

Life long

Comprehensive student records for school, college and career

Single records

Data stays with student in school transfers, forming foundation for electronic student records


Roles-based permissions & access control at individual field level for data security

Security a core tenet

Unison does not co-opt, retain or monetize customers' data. Comprehensive safeguards ensure nobody else can, either. Our business is making relevant student information available, safely and securely and at the right times to those who need it. And only those who need it. Keeping information safe and maintaining privacy is paramount. Working as a guardian and protector of information is a responsibility core to what we do.

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