Edsby's Unison system eliminates data silos. And ensures better education data quality and actionability across a region… safely and securely.
A wide range of users and organizations seek to share education data in a complex set of relationships with high cost and many points of possible failure. Can data be converged or synced? Can a solution scale? Can overall governance be assured?
Unison standardizes current and past educational data and makes it interoperable while managing access across applications and users.
Multi-source bi-directional data transformation and sync
Open standards & dozens of proprietary connections
High resolution student data, not lowest common denominator
Enables state, provincial or federal education data governance
Flexible authentication models let users use existing familiar apps
Enables teams of educators to support individual student successs
Comprehensive student records for school, college and career
Data stays with student in school transfers, forming foundation for electronic student records
Roles-based permissions & access control at individual field level for data security
Unison does not co-opt, retain or monetize customers' data. Comprehensive safeguards ensure nobody else can, either. Our business is making relevant student information available, safely and securely and at the right times to those who need it. And only those who need it. Keeping information safe and maintaining privacy is paramount. Working as a guardian and protector of information is a responsibility core to what we do.