
Helping teachers succeed with Edsby

Educators can learn what they need to know about the Edsby platform for K-12 in their own way.

Teachers speaking

Teachers are bombarded with new applications every day. Some love the challenge of learning new things, and some don’t. That’s why Edsby works hard to support all your educators as they learn Edsby, offering a variety of ways to help everyone get comfortable with the system in a way that works best for them.

Edsby laptop

Intuitive, modern design

To make things simple to begin with, Edsby was designed to work like the social media systems teachers already know and use. Who needed a lot of training to use Facebook?

Edsby clicks

New user “tour”

There’s a tour built into the Edsby product. First time users are stepped through the basics of many areas of Edsby and can review anytime they like. With videos.

Edsby document

Help documents

Prepackaged FAQs and dozens of training videos illustrate aspects of Edsby for teachers, admins, parents and students.

Edsby easel

Customized training

Edsby can perform onsite or remote training for large organizations, often led by former teachers. Extensive training materials, including workbooks, are provided.

Edsby self paced courses

Self paced courses

A series of training courses are built right into Edsby. Educators can work through them as they have the time.

Edsby videos

Custom videos

Edsby can create videos using an organization’s specific language and messaging to make the introduction of Edsby easier for local teachers, students and parents.

Edsby network

Internal collaborative area

Organizations can create a group in their Edsby systems for internal Edsby Q&A.

Edsby support

A channel to Edsby support

Designated representatives in your team can connect with Edsby support personnel to obtain answers to your educators’ specific questions. Get real answers from real people.

Edsby laptop

A test “sandbox”

Customers can receive a private Edsby server mirroring the organization’s customizations so teachers and others can learn Edsby without compromising live student data.