Report card workflow
Teachers can use Edsby to finalize report card information and submit it to the office. No SIS login needed. Districts’ official assessment and reporting schemes and existing report card templates can be used. Comments can be freeform or from official comment sets.
A comprehensive online attendance system gives teachers a fast, simple way of entering attendance that’s better than that of most SISes. It provides sophisticated late slip handling, management of planned absences with parents, and works on mobile, too.
Attendance can be taken in Edsby and pushed to the district’s system of record, or pulled from the system and displayed in Edsby.
Emotional check-ins
Whether students are in class, hybrid or fully remote, Edsby gives teachers a quick and easy way to poll students at the beginning of their day, or throughout the day, on how they’re feeling. Students and teachers are both presented with research-based emotional regulation strategies. And educators can take action if needed, right from the same app.
Assessment & reporting
Edsby can align your teachers with your region’s approved approach to assessment & reporting. It can be tailored to your terms, grading schemes and exact assessment methodology. Standards, expectations or outcomes can be pre-loaded and automatically provided to teachers. A state-of-the-art gradebook has powerful weighting, strand support, outcome/standards based assessment and a wide range of analysis tools. Modern formative assessment provides teachers, students and parents with innovative ways to capture, and even share with families.
Collaborative groups
Groups are an afterthought in most systems. Edsby understands teachers need to collaborate to enable effective professional development, hone shared curriculum and plan interventions for students. Students benefit from online areas for sports teams and clubs. Edsby Groups support these activities and more.
Registrations & approvals
Workflows in Edsby can secure parent permissions such as media release forms, field trip approvals, code of conduct, volunteer, fundraising organization and more. With Edsby, there’s never ambiguity when parents sign off on something. And forms are never lost in kids’ backpacks.