An unusually wide set of capabilities not expected in an LMS

LMSes don’t do official report cards or attendance, or allow teachers to monitor the emotional health of their students.

Report card workflow

Teachers can use Edsby to finalize report card information and submit it to the office. No SIS login needed. Districts’ official assessment and reporting schemes and existing report card templates can be used. Comments can be freeform or from official comment sets.


A comprehensive online attendance system gives teachers a fast, simple way of entering attendance that’s better than that of most SISes. It provides sophisticated late slip handling, management of planned absences with parents, and works on mobile, too.

Attendance can be taken in Edsby and pushed to the district’s system of record, or pulled from the system and displayed in Edsby.

Emotional check-ins

Whether students are in class, hybrid or fully remote, Edsby gives teachers a quick and easy way to poll students at the beginning of their day, or throughout the day, on how they’re feeling. Students and teachers are both presented with research-based emotional regulation strategies. And educators can take action if needed, right from the same app.

Assessment & reporting

Edsby can align your teachers with your region’s approved approach to assessment & reporting. It can be tailored to your terms, grading schemes and exact assessment methodology. Standards, expectations or outcomes can be pre-loaded and automatically provided to teachers. A state-of-the-art gradebook has powerful weighting, strand support, outcome/standards based assessment and a wide range of analysis tools. Modern formative assessment provides teachers, students and parents with innovative ways to capture, and even share with families.

Collaborative groups

Groups are an afterthought in most systems. Edsby understands teachers need to collaborate to enable effective professional development, hone shared curriculum and plan interventions for students. Students benefit from online areas for sports teams and clubs. Edsby Groups support these activities and more.

Registrations & approvals

Workflows in Edsby can secure parent permissions such as media release forms, field trip approvals, code of conduct, volunteer, fundraising organization and more. With Edsby, there’s never ambiguity when parents sign off on something. And forms are never lost in kids’ backpacks.

Edsby PLC group

Features for early years

Because younger children are taught and assessed differently than older students.

Learning evidence

In students’ early years, teacher observations and learning artifacts are critical. Edsby for learning management allows educators to record every project a student creates with photos, videos or other documents to demonstrate concept progress, mastery etc. These records are displayed back to teachers and parents a number of ways, and are available at report card time to inform teachers’ report card comments.

Subjective performance indicators

Young children are rarely evaluated with the same grades or complex rubrics as older students. In early grades, subjective performance indicators in Edsby can reflect achievement using colored distinctions like blue for excellent, green for good, yellow for satisfactory and red for needs improvement. Or other progress levels used by the district can be used. These indicators can communicate a child’s progress against federal or local standards.

Support for team teaching

Many districts use a team teaching approach in students’ early years. Edsby classes are built to support multiple teachers. Edsby’s Panorama feature, which shares everything having to do with a student’s progress, can be accessed by all educators in a school. Private groups and other features give teachers ways to collaborate for young students’ success.

Gets everyone involved

Guidance counselors, coaches and other school support staff have important input in the early years of a child’s schooling. Edsby connects to HR and other systems so non-teaching staff can also have accounts and participate in Edsby.

Full parent & guardian engagement

Parent involvement is critical to childrens' success in school. Edsby has the best parent involvement of any similar system.

A gateway into what’s happening in class

Younger children can’t always articulate what they did in class every day. Edsby gives parents a daily look into their child’s activities so they can see evidence of their learning. Teachers can share photos, videos, lesson plans and journals capturing classroom activities, e.g. a record of “spelling words of the day” or videos of class interactions. Parents follow with web browsers or Edsby apps on mobile devices.

No manual management of students or parents

With Edsby, teachers don’t have to invest time maintaining contact information of their students or parents. As a student or parent comes and goes in the district’s systems, the change is reflected in Edsby automatically. There are no codes to send home or databases for teachers to update. School staff can use Edsby to contact any or all students and parents at any time. Teachers never have to go to the office to get contact info.

One login for all kids

Any number of children, even at different schools, may be associated with parents’ own single logins, and other guardians and relatives can even be given similar accounts. Access to confidential student information is carefully managed by Edsby based on parent/student relationships from the district’s systems. If certain parents’ access to records must change at some point in time, Edsby instantly reflects those changes so teachers don’t have the liability of managing access to systems themselves.

Conference scheduling

Edsby for learning management can facilitate parent teacher conferences/interviews. Edsby can serve as the district’s master system for setting dates and times for parents to meet with their children’s teachers using whatever schedule the district has adopted.

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