An estimated 1.5 million children have lost a loved one to COVID. How are their emotional states affecting their ability to learn? The Edsby LMS for K-12 now enables students to share how they’re feeling with their teacher(s) and presents research-based strategies so educators can help them be as ready as possible to succeed.

Enable students to share how they’re feeling

A new, friendly way for kids to share on a difficult subject

Daily, or even per-class, emotional check-ins

Whether students are in class, hybrid or fully remote, Edsby now gives teachers a quick and easy way to poll students at the beginning of their day, or throughout the day, on how they’re feeling.

Age-appropriate selections and regulation strategies

Younger students don’t have the same emotion vocabulary or skills as older ones. So Edsby presents emotion options to choose from that are tailored to students’ grade levels, accompanied by developmentally appropriate definitions.

Suggested regulation strategies for each emotion, curated by experts, are also age appropriate.

Formative assessment

Find out what might be getting in the way of some students succeeding

Colored icons

Animated icons representing emotions are color-coded to represent emotion intensity level and how pleasant the emotion is. Teachers can see the types of emotions their students may be experiencing and which students may need additional attention.

Spot outliers or trends

Teachers see when there are new check-ins and can monitor patterns and trends over time. They also see if a student has opted not to check in, which is a student’s valid choice.

Recommended teacher strategies

Teachers see what emotional regulation strategies have been presented to each student and receive their own professionally-curated strategies for educators based on what their students are feeling.

Confidential information

Emotional check-in information is only available to the student and teacher, and not parents, principals or school district administrators.

Take action

Help make a difference in students’ well-being

Prompt conversations

The Edsby Check-In system gives students and teachers a way to start a dialogue around emotions. Teachers and students can communicate in Edsby, or face to face, and build their emotion vocabulary literacy and their own personal toolkits of emotion regulation strategies.

Ways to loop in other stakeholders

Edsby enables teachers to communicate privately with students and/or their parents, and/or guidance counsellors within the school’s same official, protected communications system.

360° view of student

In Edsby Check-Ins, a student’s Edsby Panorama is only ever a click away, including their comprehensive academic history, parent information, attendance records and more.

Ways to manage care

Students that might benefit from extra care can be grouped together for special educator attention. Edsby Monitor Groups, a long-established and appreciated feature of Edsby, can be set up as desired by teachers or guidance counsellors.

Teachers are the engine that drives social and emotional learning (SEL) programs and practices in schools and classrooms, and their social-emotional competence and wellbeing strongly influence their students. But when teachers poorly manage the social and emotional demands of teaching, students’ academic achievement and behavior both suffer.

Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, NoVo Foundation Endowed Chair in Social and Emotional Learning in the Department of Psychology / University of Illinois at Chicago /

Latest social and emotional learning guidance

Strategies informed by decades of SEL and emotion research

Designed with leading academics

User interface, icon color, age-appropriate emotion selection and culturally responsive regulation strategy content in Edsby Check-Ins come courtesy of a team of academic advisors and an exclusive relationship with MindUP—an evidence-based non-profit program designed to improve children’s emotional well-being founded by actress Goldie Hawn. MindUP is aligned with current SEL research and is accredited by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, or CASEL.

What we know in education is that "what is not assessed is not addressed." Now, more than ever, we need tools to measure children’s social and emotion competencies so we can identify where they are so that we can create learning opportunities to cultivate their social and emotional learning.

Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, NoVo Foundation Endowed Chair in Social and Emotional Learning in the Department of Psychology / University of Illinois at Chicago /

Edsby Check-Ins are not intended as a diagnostic tool or data for analysis. They’re meant to start a dialogue between the student and teacher. The process can help students and teachers develop emotion awareness and build emotion vocabulary literacy, and their own personal toolkits of emotion regulation strategies.

In Edsby, only a student’s teacher has access their check-in data. Research has shown that this information must held closely.

“Learning involves risk and vulnerability, and much of what inspires children to invest the effort required in learning happens in the interpersonal space between student and teacher. Thus, the relationships of trust between teachers and students are at the heart of the learning enterprise of schools. When students trust their teachers, a climate of safety and warmth prevails which facilitates learning. Conversely, when distrust prevails, students are motivated to minimize their vulnerability by adopting self-protective stances. The result is disengagement from the educational process. Safety comes at the expense of student investment in the learning process.”

-Tschannen-Moran, M. (2014). The interconnectivity of trust in schools. D. Van Maele & P.B. Forsyth (Eds.), Trust and school life (pp. 57-81). Springer Netherlands

Red represents high intensity emotions that are unpleasant, like angry. Blue is low activation/intensity and unpleasant, like sad. Yellow is high intensity/activation and pleasant, like excitement. Green is low intensity/activation and pleasant, like calm.

Red represents high intensity emotions that are unpleasant, like angry. Blue is low activation/intensity and unpleasant, like sad. Yellow is high intensity/activation and pleasant, like excitement. Green is low intensity/activation and pleasant, like calm. Based on the work of Russell, J. A. (1980). A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(6), 1161-1178. And Ahn, J., Gobron, S., Silvestre, Q., & Thalmann, D. (2010, September 13-15). Asymmetrical facial expressions based on an advanced interpretation of two-dimensional Russell’s emotional model [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of ENGAGE 2010, Zermatt, Switzerland.

When using Edsby’s Check-Ins, teachers are empowered and encouraged to follow their school’s established protocols for disclosure and follow-up if student mental health concerns are identified.

Teachers have always been among the first adults to notice students’ mental well-being and are a critical human link in supporting students’ mental health and pathways to care.

Yes. The regulation strategy content presented was developed in partnership with subject matter experts in social emotional learning and is informed by decades of SEL and emotion research. The strategies and the curriculum and training content from MindUP was developed to be culturally responsive and support diversity, equity and inclusion for the K-12 educators, administrators and families the program serves worldwide.

Edsby partnered with MindUP | The Goldie Hawn foundation to help guide the development of its Edsby Social Emotion Check-In feature as well as provide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) resources and training opportunities to educators.

The Goldie Hawn Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded to help children develop the knowledge and tools they need to strive in school and life. The evidence-based MindUP program was developed by a team of experts grounded upon on four scientific pillars: neuroscience, mindful awareness social-emotional learning (SEL), and positive psychology. MindUP is a simple-to-administer program that has been accredited by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning ( as a SELect Program.

Together, Edsby and MindUP are working to provide tools and resources for teachers to support their students’ well-being and academic success.

Yes. Contact Edsby for details.

Edsby Check-Ins are not intended as a diagnostic tool or data for analysis. They’re meant to start a dialogue between the student and teacher. The process can help students and teachers develop emotion awareness and build emotion vocabulary literacy, and their own personal toolkits of emotion regulation strategies.

In Edsby, only a student’s teacher has access their check-in data. Research has shown that this information must held closely.

“Learning involves risk and vulnerability, and much of what inspires children to invest the effort required in learning happens in the interpersonal space between student and teacher. Thus, the relationships of trust between teachers and students are at the heart of the learning enterprise of schools. When students trust their teachers, a climate of safety and warmth prevails which facilitates learning. Conversely, when distrust prevails, students are motivated to minimize their vulnerability by adopting self-protective stances. The result is disengagement from the educational process. Safety comes at the expense of student investment in the learning process.”

-Tschannen-Moran, M. (2014). The interconnectivity of trust in schools. D. Van Maele & P.B. Forsyth (Eds.), Trust and school life (pp. 57-81). Springer Netherlands

Red represents high intensity emotions that are unpleasant, like angry. Blue is low activation/intensity and unpleasant, like sad. Yellow is high intensity/activation and pleasant, like excitement. Green is low intensity/activation and pleasant, like calm.

Red represents high intensity emotions that are unpleasant, like angry. Blue is low activation/intensity and unpleasant, like sad. Yellow is high intensity/activation and pleasant, like excitement. Green is low intensity/activation and pleasant, like calm. Based on the work of Russell, J. A. (1980). A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(6), 1161-1178. And Ahn, J., Gobron, S., Silvestre, Q., & Thalmann, D. (2010, September 13-15). Asymmetrical facial expressions based on an advanced interpretation of two-dimensional Russell’s emotional model [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of ENGAGE 2010, Zermatt, Switzerland.

When using Edsby’s Check-Ins, teachers are empowered and encouraged to follow their school’s established protocols for disclosure and follow-up if student mental health concerns are identified.

Teachers have always been among the first adults to notice students’ mental well-being and are a critical human link in supporting students’ mental health and pathways to care.

Yes. The regulation strategy content presented was developed in partnership with subject matter experts in social emotional learning and is informed by decades of SEL and emotion research. The strategies and the curriculum and training content from MindUP was developed to be culturally responsive and support diversity, equity and inclusion for the K-12 educators, administrators and families the program serves worldwide.

Edsby partnered with MindUP | The Goldie Hawn foundation to help guide the development of its Edsby Social Emotion Check-In feature as well as provide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) resources and training opportunities to educators.

The Goldie Hawn Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded to help children develop the knowledge and tools they need to strive in school and life. The evidence-based MindUP program was developed by a team of experts grounded upon on four scientific pillars: neuroscience, mindful awareness social-emotional learning (SEL), and positive psychology. MindUP is a simple-to-administer program that has been accredited by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning ( as a SELect Program.

Together, Edsby and MindUP are working to provide tools and resources for teachers to support their students’ well-being and academic success.

Yes. Contact Edsby for details.

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