Enter the Edsby social learning system for K-12

A modern teaching, learning and analytics platform for K-12, optimized for Ontario

Edsby was created in Ontario for Ontario K-12 schools. It understands how assessment is done in Ontario K-12, with levels, strands, categories of knowledge, expectations and Ontario academic reporting requirements. And it works hand in hand with the popular student information systems used in Ontario—which means it’s automatically loaded with student, class and parent information, saving teachers precious time.

Ontario Trillium flower

Edsby supports Ontario K-12’s “6 Cs” and “Growing Success” methodologies

Edsby is a perfect system to help school boards answer the Ontario Ministry of Education’s call to invest in new practices that integrate pedagogy and technology. Of the “6 Cs” cited by the Ministry, Edsby helps boards achieve objectives for improved character education, communication and collaboration.

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Growing Success... for all

Unlike mainstream LMSes, Edsby wasn’t made originally for universities. It has strong features for elementary, as well as secondary. It’s an ideal platform from which to implement the province’s Growing Success assessment and reporting model.

Ontario Trillium flower

Already well known in Ontario K-12 and elsewhere

Edsby is already used in hundreds of schools in Ontario and elsewhere in North America. It’s a robust system loved by hundreds of thousands of teachers, students and parents for its ease of use. Edsby is used everywhere from small, private schools to entire school boards with hundreds of thousands of students, parents and educators.

Edsby is a modern, world-class learning environment for our students, teacher and parents.

John Howitt, Superintendent of Education and Information Technology / Greater Essex County District School Board, 36,500 students /

The Edsby team’s responsiveness and knowledge of school business and classroom practices were key to our signing off and moving to the next phase of our engagement.

Paulla Bennet, Chief Information Officer / York Region District School Board, 123,000 students /

Edsby is giving focus to our teachers, who had been struggling to find other platforms to use for classroom engagement.

Ron Plaizier, CIO / Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, 34,000 students /
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