Registrations & Workflows

Automated processes in Edsby simplify interactions between students, teachers and parents and save paper and administrative costs.

Report card automation

Teachers can use Edsby to finalize report card information and submit it to the office. Districts’ official assessment and reporting schemes and existing report card templates can be used. Report card comments can be freeform or from official comment sets.

Online registrations with payments

Design and deploy forms for registrations, such as parent applications to kindergarten. Know who’s applied for what. Process transactions. Ensure information is routed to the right departments automatically.

Electronic form signups & approvals

Send students or parents formal approval or agreement requests. Receive electronic field trip approvals, opt-ins to honor codes or more.

Community service hour tracking

A community involvement hours tracking application enables students to submit community service hours work items for approval. Administrators see submitted forms and can review and approve or decline each.

Parent-teacher conference scheduling

Integrated parent-teacher interview scheduling for administrators, teachers and parents replaces paper or complex third party systems.

Credit recovery

If a student fails a course, a credit recovery process in Edsby allows school or district success teams to assign credit recovery teachers, which then receive special privileges and tools such as gradebook access to their assigned student(s) to drop grades or add new ones.