The Gradebook’s Grader provides teachers with a unified framework for viewing submitted files and online tests.
In addition, the Grader also enables a teacher to give feedback by adding annotations to a student’s PDF document or image file.
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Adding Annotations and Comments
Navigating to other Assessments in the Grader
Accessing the Grader
Teachers may access the Grader within their Gradebooks by any one of the following 3 methods:
- Double clicking the submission icon in the Gradebook cell
- Choosing Grader from the Status menu, or
- Clicking the file name from the Gradebook’s Assessment Inbox.
From the Class conversation and activity feed, the Grader can be accessed from the chevron.
Adding Annotations and Comments
The Grader lists all students’ submissions starting with the first submission. Clicking the file name will display the submission. Teachers can use the rectangle, pen, and highlighter tools to annotate and comment on the student’s submission. Comments can be changed or deleted by clicking on the comment field.
Sharing Annotations
If the teacher wishes to share the annotations, they can be shared student by student or all at once.
To share an annotation with a selected student, click Share Annotations below the file name.
To privately share all annotations for each student in the Class at once, click the Share button at the top right of the Grader. The teacher can choose to share both the annotations and grade or just the grade. Students will only see their own annotations and grade.
Once the annotation is shared, any changes or deletions made to the markup or comments are immediately viewable by the student.
Student list
Hovering over the icon will display the help text.
Navigating to other assessments within the Grader
To navigate to other assessments within the Grader use the drop-down arrow at the top left of the Grader.
Clicking on the arrow lists the assessments in the Gradebook, organized by unit.
Student view of annotated assessments
Students will receive a notification that assessment results, annotations or discussion notes have been shared with them.
Clicking on the button under the class name or the notification will open the My Work Report where the new items are highlighted.
Students view the annotations by clicking on the file name. Students can also view and reply to messages from this window.