The Perspective provides the teacher with an overview of academic achievement, personal observations, and attendance. The information is provided at a class and student level. The Perspective takes the vast sea of numbers in the gradebook and presents them in a way that enables teachers to identify students at risk and discover learning and behavior trends.
Perspective Analyze
The Perspective’s Analyze page takes data from Evidence and Gradebook and enables teachers to see the results of both types of assessments in one place. A teacher can choose to analyze the data by strands, standards, evidence tags, assessment types, units, weeks, or months. The results can be summarized by a variety of methods and the teacher can choose what to include in the data.
For more information about The Perspective’s Analyze page, click here.
Perspective Graph
The Perspective Graph includes all assessments and all students. Hover over the line for more information about the assessment and the student.
The focus of the graph can be changed with the selection lists. For example, if a teacher wanted to compare how students were doing on tests and on assignments, they would change All Assessment to Test and then to Assignment.
Zoom in and out of the graph using the + and – buttons.
To zoom in on a specific section of the graph, click the magnifying glass icon and click and drag to highlight a section of the graph.
Use the hand icon to pan on the graph.
Click the home icon to return the graph to its default settings.
Click the menu icon to save the graph.
Utilizing the Perspective Graph
Teachers can focus on a student by choosing the name from the list of students.
Just like the class view, use the selection lists to change the focus of the graph. At the student level, teachers have additional options that enable them to compare the student to the class or view the assessments by weighting buckets or assessment types. Click Class Comparison to add the average of all other students to the graph.
Clicking Show By Assessment Type will display a line for every assessment type. Hover over an item in the legend, and the associated data will be highlighted.
Click Show by Weighting Bucket, to view each bucket graphed separately. Hover over the legend to focus on one bucket.
Assessments in Perspective
The Assessment section of the Perspective lists:
– Incomplete assessments
– Upcoming assessments
– Graded assessments, including the weight the assessment is contributing to the calculated average
– Ungraded assessments
Below each assessment, teachers can view a student’s submissions, discussions, and any Grader annotations for that assessment. Teachers can also view the student’s grade when the teacher has graded the assessment.
The selection lists can be used to filter the assessments list.
The Standards section of the Perspective lists all of the standards, expectations, or outcomes relevant to the course as well as the student’s performance on each one, if they have been assessed by the teacher.
Teachers can assess the student’s performance on each standard directly from this screen by hovering over a standard and selecting a performance level.
Teachers can look at the overall standards assessed in a class for all students by selecting All Students from the drop-down list.
Each standard will show how many students have been assessed on it, how many assessments have been linked to the specific standard, as well as any lesson plans that have been linked.
Teachers can assess all students on a particular standard quickly by clicking on a standard and selecting a performance indicator as well as typing an optional observation for each student.
Attendance in Perspective
The Attendance section lists the days the student was marked late or absent.
Teachers can look at an overview of the lates and absences for all students in their class by selecting All Students from the drop-down list.
Previous Report Cards
The Previous Report Cards section lists completed, in progress, and upcoming report card periods. Each student’s Perspective is available when you are preparing report cards for submission. To view the Perspective, click the Perspective button at the bottom of the screen. The Esc key hides and reveals the Perspective.