Lakefield College School in Ontario—a private school on 315 acres with a lake, fields, forests and small village-like campus—is a latest institution to adopt Edsby. And educators there are very enthusiastic about their new tool.
LCS had been using a homegrown learning management system for many years, so teachers and admin staff had high expectations.
The majority of staff in a recent training session welcomed Edsby with open arms. The school purchased t-shirts from the Edsby Store for their internal Edsby champions, who they named Edsby Captains. They purchased additional shirts and mugs as give-aways.
Teacher training focused on communication, student evaluation and group collaboration. Teachers spent many years building content in Lotus Notes, so switching content to Edsby required work.
Edsby’s report card workflow system prompted a round of applause for the report card’s comment box character count. Teachers and admins asked many great questions of trainers and product management.
Departments gathered together all over the campus to create content in Edsby groups for professional learning communities (PLCs) for the fall. Edsby staff rotated between the far flung rooms and answered questions. The Arts group was particularly excited about Edsby’s expectations feature. The phrase “we’ve wanted something like this for years,” was heard. They were particulary thrilled about being able to link observations to expectations. Other groups liked the ability to have discussions around assessments, and plan to get students to use it for reflection.
Training sessions ended with rounds of applause. In the hallways, many teachers mentioned how much they liked Edsby and were looking forward to the fall.
Lakefield students, parents and teachers log into their Edsby system at