Education publication names Edsby Best Learning Management System of 2023
The Tech Edvocate, a U.S. education policy publication and advocacy group, has announced winners of its annual education technology awards. The Edsby platform was named Best Learning Management System of 2023. It’s the second year in a row Edsby won the same distinction. Finalists this year included Google Classroom and Blackboard Learn.
Edsby was also a finalist in the publication’s Best Learning Analytics/Data Mining App or Tool and Best Parent-Teacher/School Communication App or Tool categories.
Voting and judging
The four month program solicited nominees from readers in June/July of 2022. Online voting from May 1, 2022 – July 31, 2022 gauged nominees’ popularity, but did not signal they would become a finalist or win an award, according to the publication. Finalists and winners were ultimately selected by a panel comprised of two edtech thought leaders, two PreK-12 teachers, one college professor, two K-12 administrators, one college administrator and two PreK-12 parents, the publication wrote.
The full list of winners and finalists is here.