Edsby is reviewed by education site Getting Smart in a collection of feature articles titled Impact at Scale: The Learning Platform Series.
The publication writes:
Launched in Ontario in 2010, Edsby is aiming at the EdTech holy grail–a great learning platform for K-12 schools that is popular with students and parents, yet lets districts enforce policies and regional educational standards.
Unlike other learning management systems, especially free apps that teachers can download themselves, Edsby is an enterprise platform intended to be centrally installed. That means teachers don’t have to manage it. And regional administrators can configure it to ensure uniform assessment and reporting standards. The review notes:
Edsby is designed for schoolwide and districtwide use–and it supports all the integrations necessary to support high utilization rates.
The article also points out how Edsby is gaining traction for helping districts facilitate professional learning.
Edsby auto populates groups from districts’ existing systems and makes it easy for educators to build professional learning communities. Teachers can capture private observation and selectively share those with other teachers. Students can add artifacts to their portfolio to be shared privately with their teachers and parents.
Read the article in its entirety here.