Tech publication TechFaster was at the Alabama Educational Technology Conference (AETC) this week. In an article from the show, the publication writes Edsby was its favorite find at the conference.
We’ve already seen a bunch of awesome education companies, but our favorite so far has to be Edsby. Edsby is an incredibly useful tool for educators, administrators, students, and parents.
TechFaster applauds Edsby for being “robust, holistic school management software” that helps teaches cut down on the time it takes to handle tedious, administrative tasks while serving as a sort-of daily/weekly/monthly planner and calendar for students. And while the article notes there are other resources that offer similar student and teacher functionality, TechFaster says Edsby really separates from the crowd with its administrator and parent features.
It all starts with deployment. Rather than going through a painstakingly difficult process, Edsby offers turnkey incorporation. Quite simply, Edsby works with any and all IT systems and architecture that schools already use. Meaning, rather than undertaking a massive, expensive migration process, Edsby handles it all internally, and quickly. Once Edsby is in use, administrators are able to see a 360° view of the school. This is truly where Edsby stands out as the best school management software. By viewing each school in totality, Edsby is able to keep all parties – students, teachers, administrators, and parents – informed and up to date.
Read the full article here.